Thursday, 11 October 2012

Team Building and Collaboration, Part 1

The adjourning stage is signifying the ‘near-end’ of the project at hand and team members are readily moving off into other new roles or projects.
I would say that separation is not always an easy task, no matter the relationship.  For example, a quarrelsome couple was once separated by work; the husband had to move to another office location different from where the wife was and they both cried openly and lamenting on how they would miss each other.  Therefore, it is hardest to leave any of the groups, whether high-performing or low-performing.
It is good for a group to have very clear established norms where the members are able to work effectively together as a team (Abudi, 2010).  However, for a group to get to adjourning stage they were able to learn one thing or the other from one another, therefore, I feel the members would not find it easy to separate.
All of the groups I participated in were very hard for me to leave, and it is not about the projects only, but particularly about the individuals involved and the relationships formed.  I have experienced, severally, very moving and highly emotional closing rituals.  Moving from one segment to the other where one is not sure of meeting all the current class member is adjourning phase and for me, it has not been very easy, imagining how it will be like at the final segment is making me sad already.
Adjourning is an essential stage of teamwork because it gives room for success celebrations and capturing of best practices for future use.  It is an opportunity to say good-bye to each other (Abudi, 2010), exchange more contact details where necessary in order to facilitate networking.
Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from


  1. Folashade,
    I am learning to see the adjourning phase in a new perspective. I think it should be expanded into applying what has been learned to helping others. This tends to the most emotional stage because team members are moving on to other projects. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I agree with you that it in the adjourning stage, it is difficult to say good bye at times. I would say that this happens in teams that have ben sucsesful in their agenda. Sucesful in that the individuals have created trust to complete the tasks. Having an adjourning celebration has always been key in my experience. I invite you to try it in your next team's adjourning stage as it brings closure to all and a sense of completion.

  3. Folashade,

    In the past I have anticipated as well as dreaded the adjourning stage, depending on the atmosphere and success of the group. However, I take what I learned from all experiences and use them as a guide for what and what not to do for future success. Great Post!!!

  4. Folashade,
    I have enjoyed working with you over the course of 8 amazing weeks. You have opened my mind to many different perspectives and have given some awesome advice when it comes to communicating and collaborating with families. Thank you for your support and guidance!
