Monday, 24 September 2012

Who Am I as a Communicator?

Thinking about the similarities and differences between how I evaluated myself as a communicator and how others evaluated me, one thing that surprised me the most is that others rated me highly than I rated myself.  This is surprising to me because even though I always tried to those moments of jittery, I still had the feeling that I was clumsy and that they were obvious to people around, especially when I am called upon suddenly to perform a task, e.g. in church; while people clap I usually felt rioting within, it was always a battle. 

This week, I gained a better understanding that true communication involves other people around us, and that the combination of both their evaluation and ours help us to know who we are as a communicator.  I also had a better understanding on the risk of judging people with first impression and using that as base in communicating with such people; this is because we would not have had a clearer knowledge about the ‘person’ of that individual.  I believe that these will inform and enrich my professional work and personal life a great deal.


  1. It is a good observation that you have that you find yourself to be more nervous than other people perceive you to be. Often we are our own harshest critics!

  2. Folashade,
    It's great that this week's assignment has allowed us to learn so much about the type of communicators we are. I will use these inventories to make improvements in eliminating communication anxiety and speaking more (instead of listening most of the time). Thanks for sharing your experiences as a communicator!

  3. Hello Folashade,
    We sometimes forget that what we understand is sometimes not always understood in the same way for others as we all think differently. It must feel good to get evaluated a better communicator than you expect from others. You must be a really great HR representative. Whether we are communicating with one person or to a large group of people, taking into consideration their verbal and non verbal communication responses can make us a more effective communicator. Thanks for sharing you insight.

  4. I think many of us tend to be our worst critics. I have to remind myself that, especially in trainings, the participants don't know the content like I do so it is important to slow down. I tend to speed up my speech when I get excited or am passionate about a topic.

    Great post.

  5. Folashade,
    This assignment helped me to better myself as a communicator. I learned where my problems are and I can address them and work on making me a better person when I speak to others.
