Friday, 13 January 2012

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are the significant connection or similarity between two or more things or people and their involvement with one another.  Relationships/partnerships are important in life because man can not live  and thrive in a vacuum; even the Holy Bible supports relationships in Genesis when it says: ”it is not good for man to be alone”. Without relationships procreation would be absent and very soon the world would have come to an end.  Personally, relationships broaden my horizon, enrich my knowledge with various ideas from partners and this continue to help in sharpening my brain and keeping me abreast of new ideas. 

Currently, the relationships/partnerships between the following people and myself is positive and very cordial:

This is my husband and myself.  We have a good
husband/wife relationship. 
The relationship is being developed and
maintained through constant communication,
love, individuality and mutual respect for each other. 
Married in 1994.

This is my daughter. We enjoy a very good child/mother 
                                     The relationship is being developed and                      
                                     maintained through constant Communication, show of love, 
                                     proper respect and understanding.

This is my son.  We enjoy a very good son/mother
The relationship is being developed and maintained 
through constant communication, show of love,
proper respect and understanding.

Next is my mother.  We have a good mother/daughter relationship. The relationship is being developed and maintained through communication, respect, idividuality and show of love.

Then all my four sisters. We have good sisterly relationships. The relationships are being developed and maintained through constant communication, mutual respect for each other, individuality, understanding and show of love toward one another.

Over time, I have experience some challenges in developing and maintaining relationships as a result of inadequate and total break-down in communication; ego; pride; and the like.

Some special characteristics that kept the relationships going are 1) Real show of love in exhibiting understanding; for example, if I had to spank any of my children (not often though), they still come back hugging me and apologising for their wrongs because they usually have a clear understanding of why the spanking was necessary.  2) Another characteristic is correcting in love; often, I have heard people around me; at home, at work and in church; say the way I correct brings fun to the ears, but sense to the the brain.

As an effective early childhood professional, my experience with relationships/partnerships will definitely impact positively on my work because I always learn from esperience and put myself in other peples shoes by imagining how they would  feel in situations.  I did not have many happy experiences while growing up (especially from my mum), and this has helped me to understand actions, reactions and feelings involve, and as a result, I am able to decide against some actions that draw negative feelings from the receiver and affect the general outlook for the child’s entire life.


  1. I appreciate you reminding us that ego and pride can break down communication. It has been a long time since something like that has happened; however, it is very common and a human dynamic to always remember. In the early childhood field this is something I can see becoming an issue when communicating with parents, as educators we must be careful so we don't cause others to put up walls unintentionally. Thank you for the thought provoking aspect of communication.

  2. I like that you add that each relationships is being maintained and developed. Each relationship has the opportunity for growth. It is important to remember that.

  3. You seem to have many important people in your life whom you have a positive relationship /partnership. I agree with you that lack of communication, ego, and pride can interfere with the stability and maintenance of a relationship. I often struggle with communication and pride creating a bridge with people who I love, respect, and share a connection with. My plan for this year is to work on my communication in an effort to enhance my relationships/partnerships.
