the Harvard website, I was able to have a clear understanding that the center
was founded in 2006 with the notion that the extent to which a society expands
opportunities early in life for all children to achieve their full potential
and engage in responsible and productive citizenship is a reflection of the
vitality and sustainability of such society.
Being able to do many things at the same time, filter distractions, and
switch gears is likened to an air traffic control system at a busy airport
while handling the arrivals and departures of many planes on multiple runways (Building the Brain). All these are done in the brain with a mechanism called
executive function helping us to focus on series of information at the same
time (Harvard, Global).
A section on the website called IN BRIEF talks briefly on
various issues of cencern to children development, their families and the
society. One of the articles, The
Foundations of Lifelong Health, says a healthy child development is the foundation
of a vital and productive society with a prosperous and sustainable future (Harvard, In Brief, The
According to one of the In Brief
articles, Early Childhood Program Effectiveness, in order to ensure that
children have a solid foundatio for a productive future that will positivily
impact the society, there is need to create and implement effective early childhoold
programs and policies that will include all the children (Harvard, In Brief, Early
Childhood). On the policy implications,
the article stated that to achieve program success and equal participation of
all children, development and retention
of a skilled early childhood workforce that is adequately compensated is
paramount. This is important because it
will affect the quality of implementation which is key. The article also says that a multi-strategy
approach will ensure healthy future for all children as no single program can
meet the diverse developmental needs of all children (Harvard, In Brief,
Early Childhood).
Building the Brain’s “Air
Traffic Control” System: How Early Experiences Shape the Development of Executive
Harvard University. “Global Children’s Initiative” website
Harvard University. “In Brief, Early Childhood Program effectiveness” website